Alhamdulillah, we In Sha Allah will be graced with another Ramadan; another chance for Blessings; another chance to turn away from sin and foolhardiness.

Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem (in the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

I make dua that Allah Forgives us and Has Mercy on us. (and I am in need of His Mercy)
I make dua that Allah Forgives me for my arrogance.
I make dua that Allah Has Mercy on me because He Knows my situation better than anyone.
I make dua that Allah Provides for me because He Has Done all my life.
I make dua that Allah Pardons me for I have committed wrong.
I make dua that Allah Puts me in good company because I am weak around weak people.
I make dua that Allah Looks after my family and Brings them into the deen and Keeps them in the deen.
I make dua that Allah Provides me with righteous offspring.
I make dua that Allah Unites the Muslims because we are divided on issues such as Eid and this splits families.
I make dua that Allah Puts Strength into the righteous scholars to stand up to oppression and wrongdoing.
I make dua that Allah Accepts my fasts because I am in need.
I make dua that Allah Accepts my prayers because I am in need.
I make dua that Allah Comforts me because I make mistakes, commit wrong and invite harm upon myself from others.
I make dua that Allah Protects me and my family because no one else can.
I make dua that Allah Allows me to play a part in spreading the deen and doing righteous deeds.
I make dua that Allah Allows my good deeds to outweigh my bad deeds.
I make dua that Allah Grants me Paradise for I am scared of the Hellfire that He Has Created and am afraid of His Punishment.
I make dua that Allah Allows me and my offspring and my family to die as righteous Muslims.
I make dua that Allah Strengthens the Muslim Ummah because we bicker and fight and we are lost.
I make dua that Allah Strengthens me against my weaknesses.
I make dua that Allah Loves me for I am in need of His Love.
I make dua that Allah Mentions me in a gathering better than the world and everything in it.
I make dua that Allah Makes things easy for me because I make things hard.
I make dua that Allah Returns Often to me for I am in need of Him.
I make dua that Allah Blesses me and my family for what are we without this?
I make dua that Allah Provides me a righteous spouse because I need good companionship and its benefits.
I make dua that Allah Grants me Knowledge that I can benefit others with.
I make dua that Allah Accepts my good deeds and Pardons and Forgives my bad deeds.
I make dua that Allah Fixes me and my life for I am broken.
I make dua that Allah Makes me not of those who are ungrateful and proud.
I make dua that Allah Grant me a righteous lineage.
I make dua that Allah Grants me the best in the duniya and the best in the Hereafter.
I make dua that Allah Replaces my anger with peace and calm and patience.
I make dua that Allah’s Mercy on me Overtakes His Anger at me.
I make dua that Allah Grants me an accepted Hajj.
I make dua that Allah Keeps me and mine in good health and in safety.
I make dua that Allah Is Pleased with me for there is nothing better.
I make dua that Allah Grants me to be in the highest gathering because that would be an honour beyond my comprehension.
I make dua that Allah Grants me the ability to explain Islam easily to people, so I can help spread the message.
I make dua that Allah Removes the ills in my heart for I do not wish to wrong others or myself.
I make dua that Allah Looks After my offspring for I am not enough.
I make dua fot reliable transport and a good neighbour.
I make dua that Allah Answers my duas for His is the best Answer.

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