- Put Allah first
- Remember Allah Much throughout the day and night
- Be more patient with those who do not know better
- Read more Qur’an AND understand its meaning
- Don’t Lie
- Don’t Slander others
- Don’t Backbite
- Don’t swear
- Grow a beard and keep it – it’s a strong sunnah
- Help your sister in Islam
- Help your brother in Islam
- Give more in Sadaqah (Charity)
- Start to Learn and Follow Islam with Knowledge – don’t just rely on hearsay (even from a religious leader)
- Remove yourself from bad company. Join good company
- Become a role model Muslim
- Pray more than the Fard (Obligatory)
- Set achievable goals (eg. read 4 pages of the Qur’an after every salaah)
- Try to forgive those who have hurt you
- Lower your gaze, especially in the Summer months
- Purify your intentions
- Start wearing hijaab and abaya
- Get rid of bad habits
- Stop smoking
- Stop Sheesha
- Stop fighting and start uniting in Islam
- Sisters, wear loose clothing that doesn’t reveal your beauty
- Think of those less fortunate than yourselves
- Frequent the masjid
- Excel in good deeds
- Be a good neighbour
- Look for Laylatul Qadr on the odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan
- Ask Allah regularly for His forgiveness and His Mercy
- Don’t see yourself as being better than others
- Don’t argue. Listen
- Change your attitude to one that is better
- Stop listening to music
- Read about Islam and educate others with a pleasant approach
- Memorise more of the Qur’an
- Perform I’tikaaf if you are able (seclusion during the last 10 days of Ramadan)
- Spread salaams
- Look for the good in people rather than the bad
- Learn about morals and manners in Islam
- Don’t just pray the taraweeh prayers – establish your obligatory prayers
- Try to avoid things that are not from Islam (eg. birthdays)
- When you feel hungry, think of those who have no food and water
- Always think of Allah in everything you do
- Establish your day around prayer rather than prayer around your day
- Visit your parents and be kind to them
- Take suhoor before fasting
- Break your fast with a date
- Don’t over-eat when you break your fast
- Don’t offend others
- Always be polite
- Be generous to others
- Try not to waste your time
- Take yourself away from haraam relationships (eg. boyfriend/girlfriend)
- Recognise that there is always something you can improve in your character and in your knowledge
- Try not to turn down an invitation to an Iftar
- Don’t over-exert yourself during the day, so you make yourself weak or longing food and water
- Do not engage in physical/sexual relations with your spouse during fasting hours
- Fulfil the rights of others (your husband, wife, parents, children, neighbours etc)
- Learn the Names & Attributes of Allah
- Read about Paradise
- Read about the Day of Judgement
- Read about Hell
- Be grateful to Allah for whatever He Has Given you
- Do not commit shirk – if you don’t know what it is, read about it
- Make intention to fast BEFORE you start fasting
- Make wudhu when you wake up – it will help to fully awaken you
- Establish Islamic gatherings
- Try to start learning Arabic
- Don’t waste food and water
- Take part in a family Islamic quiz or contest – or establish one
- Tell non-Muslims you are regularly in contact with about fasting
- Establish Islam in your house and amongst your family
- Rebuild bridges that you had thought you had totally burnt
- Follow the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – eat one third, drink one third and leave one third of your stomach empty
- Go for a short walk after Iftar – it’s sunnah to walk after eating
- Make a list of duas and memorise them – recite them especially before breaking your fast
- Control your tongue
- Try to bring khushoo into your prayers
- Make intention of what you will try to improve the next day
- Remember death
- Pray on time
- Visit the sick
- Give da’wah to others (Muslims as well as non-Muslims)
- Don’t show off
- Replace fizzy drinks with water and eat healthily (obviously outside of fasting hours)
- Establish these Islamic habits with your children and family and friends
- Learn about what is going on with other Muslims around the world
- Do not fast if your health will seriously suffer from it
- Break your fast if there is a danger to your health
- Make time for Islam in your life
- Don’t procrastinate
- Sleep wisely – These next few years (especially in the UK) the fasting day is long, so ensure you get enough rest
- Don’t forget to give your fitrana before Eid Salaah
- Call for ONE EID – anyone who divides the Ummah should be challenged
- Make Eid special so that future generations cherish it
- Keep Islamic habits going after Ramadan has ended
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