The moment we decided to write on this made us yawn so bad that we’re not able to stop this. Even thinking about this mere word could make you feel bored or sleepy and you’ll find yourself in a position that you could no longer forbid it. Irrespective of what your age or gender is, Yawning will make you dizzy and is difficult to control. Different scientists have different opinions on this normal body activity some of which might shock you for a second. Here we compiled 10 very interesting facts about yawning that you mustn’t be aware of:-

1. An Average Yawn Lasts For 6 Seconds.

And during this, your heart rate increases rapidly to provide more oxygen to your brain.

2. It Helps In Cooling Down Your Brain

In a recent research, it is proved that it causes sinus walls to expand, resulting in providing enough air to your brain and hence keeps it cool. And it is also significant that we yawn more during winters than in summers to usher the passage of cool air to our brain.

3. Yawning Is A Result Of Boredom

It is a proven fact when tested on several students during a rock concert. Yawning is a result of low brain activity and indicates low oxygen level in the brain.

4. Too Much Yawning Is Alarming

While it’s totally a normal activity but too much yawning shows some sort of medical condition that indicates mental illness. It can also be a rare heart condition.

5. Yawning Is Contagious And Everyone Around You Are Likely To Yawn With You Within 5 seconds

Not only that, even reading the word “YAWN” could make 55% people yawn. Now, don’t you start yawning!!

6. A Child In Womb can Yawn

It is proven that after 20 weeks of conception a foetus knows how to yawn. This indicates a healthy brain development at this stage in the womb.

7. A Person Related To You Physically Or Emotionally Will Catch Your Yawn Faster

Its common amongst relatives as they’ll start yawning too after one of their relatives will yawn. Even best buddies are prone towards catching each other’s yawn.

8. A person yawns 240,000 times in whole lifetime on an average.

A person yawn almost yawns 10 times an hour irrespective of age, gender, diet, physical activity or any other factor.

9. Baboons Yawns Continuously To Tell Others That It Is Bedtime.

This is called ritual yawning and it is not common in humans. Only Baboons and some other primates show this tendency.

10. # Facts About Yawning :- As We Age Our Tendency To Yawn Reduces

Facts about yawning
Also, it might interest you that yawning has no side effects at all. Even if you force yourself towards it, nothing will happen. Your jaw will not be stretched, your mouth will not feel any pain. Nothing!! This is a mystery for many scientists even now.

Can’t Tell You How Many Times I Have Yawned While Writing This!!

Hope you found these facts about yawning interesting enough.

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