Bismillah-hir Rahman-nir Raheem (in the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) There is one thing that Islam has done that no ...
Stories of the Prophets – Ismail (as)
Posted: April 23, 2011 in Qur'an and Sunnah , Stories of the Prophets , Unity 3 Hajj – Stoning the devil Prophet Ismai...
Stories of the Prophets – Isa (as) (Jesus): The true story of Jesus
Prophet Isa (as) – commonly known as Jesus – is one of the greatest Prophets and also one of most debated in the world. The Jews did no...
Stories of the Prophets – Lut (as)
Prophet Lut (as) was sent to a people who were at the heights of a crime that is becoming widespread and common today – homesexuality and...
Stories of the Prophets – Hud (as)
The Story of Prophet Hud (as) is a major lesson for all of us. It is a prime example of how civilisations grow arrogant, haughty and prou...
Stories of the Prophets – Salih (as)
This is the story of the people of Thamud, to whom the Prophet Salih (as) was sent to. They built for themselves huge buildings on the pl...
Stories of the Prophets – Ibrahim (as)
Prophet Ibrahim (as) – also known as Prophet Abraham – is one of the greatest Prophets and the father of us all. He is described by All...
Stories of the Prophets – Nuh (as)
The Story of Prophet Nuh (as) is probably one of the most famous stories in the world. Children are taught it in schools, studies are don...